Slovak Traditional Proverbs

7 Feb

Slovak Proverbs & Sayings

Phonetical Spellings


a    á    as in Father ia     as in yo in yonder
e    é    as in bed, let iu     as in you or ew in pew
i     y     as in hill ou    as in ow  in know
í    ý      as in police, meet ie     as in ye in yes
o          as in bore, more short o sound ô      as in wo in wonder
u          as in put ú      as in too, moon


c    as the ts in cats, never as c in cut r    rolled more than in English
č    as ch in chin, change š    as sh in shut
d’    much like the d in duty, mildew ž    as the s in treasure
j    as y in yet, never as j in juice dz    as ds in pads
ľ    much like the double ll in million ň    as the ny in canyon, the n in knew
dž    as j in jaw, John ch    rougher than h, like the Bach
h    as in hoop  

There are no silent letters in Slovak.  If the consonant is alone, slide it into the next word and pronounce it, because it is a preposition; example: s means withským means with you.


Proverbs and Sayings





Nie ten majster, ktorý začne, ale ktorý dokoná Not he who begins but he who finishes is the master. Knee-eh tehn my-stehr, k-tho-ree zah-chneh, ah-leh k-tho-ree doh-koh-nah.
 Horšia dlžoba ako chudoba. Debt is worse than poverty. Hohr-sheh dl-shoh-bah ah-koh chuh-doh-bah.
Silný si utiera čelo, chytrý ústa. The strong wipe their brows, the crafty their lips. Sill-knee sea u-tie-rah cheh-loh-, chy-tree u-stah.
Svoje veci nechváľ, a cudzie nehaň. Don’t praise what is yours; don’t belittle what is another’s. Svoy-eh veh-cih neh-kvahl, a cud zieh neh-hahn.
S pravdou najd’alej zajdeš. With truth you can travel the farthest. S pr hv-dohu neye-dah-lay zeye-desh

Ked Pán boh nechce, môže človek robiť , čo chece. If God be unwilling, man can do nothing. Ked Pahn Boh neh-tseh mo-ze (as in treasure) chlo- vehk roh-bith, cho tseh.
Človeka pri pijatyke a pri hre poznáš You learn to know a man when you play or drink with him. Chlo-veh-kah pree pee-yah-teh-keh ah pree hreh pohz(as in treasure)nahsh.
Čoho sa kto bojí, o tom sa mu najskôr sníva The thing we fear, we soon dream about. Cho-hoh sah ktoh boyee, oh tohm sah muh nahy-score snee-vah.  
Ženu a plátno nedobre kupovať pri svieci. Cloth or a wife should never be selected by candlelight. Zeh (as in treasure)nuh ah plaht-noh neh doh-breh ku-poh-vaht pree syet-si.
Lepšie chudé pokonanie, ako tučný proces. Better a lean settlement than a fat litigation. Leh-shie who-deh poh-koh-nah-nie, ah-koh tuch-nee proh ces.    
I veľký dub bol kedysi len žalud´om. Even a giant oak was once an acorn. Ee vehl-kee duhb bohl keh-dee-see lehn zah (z as is treasure) luh-dohm.
Nič nepovažuj za svoje, čo môžeš ztratiť.   Do not regard as your own anything you may lose. Nich neh-poh-vah-zuee (z as in treasure) zah svoy-eh, cho mo (ô as in wonder)-zesh (z as in treasure) ztrah-tith.
Keby nebolo hriechu, nebolo by pekla. If there was no sin, there would be no hell. Keh-bee neh-boh-loh hreh-who, neh-boh-loh bee pehk-lah.
Jednaj ako cigáň, ale plať ako pán. Barter like a gypsy, but pay like a gentleman Yehd- neye ah-koh cih-ganh, ah-leh plath- a-koh pawn.
Iskra najkrajšie vtedy zasvieti, ked’ hasne. A spark produces its brightest glow just before it dies out. Eh-skrah  neye-krah-shie vteh-dee zaj-svee-eh, ked kah-sneh.
Silená modlitba nejde do neba. Compulsory prayers never reach heaven. Sih-leh-nah  mod-leth-bah nehy-deh doh neh-bah.
Pán Boh nie náhlivý, ale pamätlivý. God is not impatient but mindful. Pahn Boh knee-eh nah-lee-vee, ah-leh pah-met-lee-vee.
Natiahni si uši a počúvaj! Tighten your eardrums and give heed! (pay attention) Nah-tee-ah-knee see uh-she ah poh-chuh v-eye.
Len sa mi tak na jazyku pletie. It keeps floating about on my tongue (attempt at recollection). Lehn sah me thak nah yah-zee-kuh pleh-tee-ah.
Krúti hlavou ako neveriaci Tomáš.  He shakes his head like a doubting Thomas. Kruh-tee hlah-vohu ah-ko neh-veh-ree-ah-see Toh-mash
Pravda výjde na vrch ako olej na vodu. The truth rises to the surface like oil on water. Prahv-dah   vee-deh   nah   vrch (roll them all together)  ah-koh   oh-lay   nah   voh-du.
Čnosť a peknosť je milá spoločnosť Virtue and beauty are a blessed association. Chno-st   ah   pehk-nost   jeh (ye)   mil (as in ill)-ah   spoh (o short as in or)-loch   nohst.
Dobrá práca sama sa chváli. Fine work is its own flattery. Doh-bra (roll the r)   prah-tsah   sah-mah   sah   chvah-lee (ch as in Bach).
Dobré svedomie je mäkkíá poduška A good conscience makes a soft pillow. Dob-reh  sveh-doh-myeh  jeh  mehk-kah poh-du-shkah.
Spravedlivá práca ako modlitba. Honest labor is a form of prayer. Sprah-vehd-lee-vah   prah-tsah   ah-ko   mohd (o as in or)-liht-bah.
Láska nepotrebuje zákona. Love need no laws Lah-skah neh-poh-treh-buj-eh zah-koh-nah.
Na zajtra je len hnev dobre odkladať. Anger is the only thing to put off until tomorrow. Nah zeye-trah jeh lehn hnev doh-breh od-klah-dahth.
Kto si málo neváži, viacej nezaslúži. Who is not grateful for a little does not deserve more. Ktoh see mah-loh neh-vah-dzee (as in jaw), vee-aht-say neh zah sluh dzee.
Čo máme, o to nedbáme a za iným sa zháňame. We disregard what we’ve got, always chasing what we’ve not. Cho mah-meh, oh toh nehd-bah-meh ah zah ihnyem sah shah-nah meh.
Bieda nejlepši majster. Want is the most resourceful master. Bee-eh-dah nigh-lehp-sheh my stehr.
Ani nevidí, ani nepočuje od radost. He can neither see nor hear from joy. Ah-knee, neh-vee-dee. Ah-knee neh-poh chuh-yeh ohd rah-dohst.
Teši sa, len tak mladne. So pleased. He keeps getting younger. Teh-she sah, lehn tahk mlahd-neh.
Dobrý ako leto. (As pleasant) a person as a summer day. Doh-bree ah-koh leh-toh.
Tvár – duše obraz. The face – the picture of the soul. Tvahr  duh-seh ohb-raz .
Do domu, kde láska byva, slniečko sa rado diva.  The sun loves to peer into the home where love is. Doh doh-muh, kdeh lah-skah bee-vah, sl-nih ech-ko sah rah-doh dih-vah.
Okuliare na nos! Spectacles on the nose! (pay attention).  Oh-kuh-liah-reh nah nohs!
Dobré slovo lepšie od peňazí. A kind word is better than cash. Doh-reh sloh-voh lep-she-eh ohd peh-nah- zee.
Lepšia hrsť priateľstva, ako voz dukátov. A handful of friendship is better than a wagon load of gold. Lep-she-eh hrst (roll the r) pree-ah-tehl-stvah, ah koh-vohz duh-kah-tohv.
Každý je sám svojho šťastia kováč. Each of us is the forger of his own happiness. Kah-zdee jeh sah-mah svoh-hoh shtah-stee-ah koh-ach.
Človek na tvár, ale Boh na srdce hľadi. Others read your face, God your heart. Cloh-vehk nah tvahr, Boh nah scd-ceh hlah-dee.
Čas a trpelivosť ruže donáša. Time and patience bring roses. Chahs ah tr-peh-lih-vost ruh-zeh doh-nah-sha.
Vd’vačnosť a pšenica iba v dobrej zemi rastú. Gratitude and wheat grow only in good soil . V dvah chnost ah pshe-nih-sah ih-bah v doh-breh zeh-mee rah-stuh
Kto nemá v hlave, má v pätách. If you don’t use your head you have to use your feet.  Ktoh neh-mah v hlah-veh, mah v peth-tahch
Horši strach, než sama bieda. Fear is worse than misfortune itself. Hohr-sheh  stahr-ch, neh z sah-mah bee-eh-dah
Ani Pán Boh všetkým ľud’om nevyhovie.  Even God does not satisfy all people. Ah-knee Pahn Boh vsheh-kim luh-dohm neh-vee-ho-vee-eh
Dobrý počiatok, polovica práce. A good beginning is half the job Doh-bree poh-chee-ah-, poh-loh-vih-tscah prah-tse
Nešťastie ťa nauči modliť sa. Misfortune teaches us to pray. Neh-shtah-tee-eh tah nah-uh-chee mohd-lit sah.

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